Te Whanganui-a-Tara - Mon 23 - Tue 24 June
Prefab Hall, Wellington

Ōtautahi - Fri 27 - Sat 28 June
Tūranga, Christchurch

Nau Mai, Haere Mai 

Catch Network Aotearoa brings you ‘Little Revolutions’- a conference for leaders, church-planters, and those who still believe the local church can be a force for good in the world. We will gather to learn, collaborate, pray, and worship. This is a national event happening across two locations and drawing together a wide coalition of denominations and independent movements that share a common heart for renewal of the local church and the neighbourhoods we serve.

This year’s keynote speaker is JR Woodward (Seattle, USA). JR’s book, ‘The Church as Movement’, has been an enormous help to many church-planters and renewal workers. JR has been involved in nimble and creative expressions of church for over 30 years, as is currently the National Director of the V3 Church Planting Movement. 

Who is this for?

The Curious

Those interested in moving their lives or the ministries they serve towards planting or renewal, but wondering how.

The Church-Planters

Those already aware of a call to give their lives to the work of renewal by relocating or remaking their current structure.

The Culture Creators

Leaders of movements or large ministries exploring how to renovate their institutions into places that encourage renewal.

2025 Contributors

A small selection of some of the voices who will be with us in 2025

Bishop Ana Fletcher
Diocese of Wellington 

Recently ordained as Assistant Bishop in the Wellington Anglican Diocese, Ana has seen the past five years re-planting St Peter’s Gonville in Whanganui alongside her husband Paul. Ana has been a lawyer, former Intercultural Communities Enabler for NZCMS, and the co-founder and current Executive Assistant for Common Good Coffee. 

Bree Mills
Microchurch Expert Melbourne Australia  

Bree is a passionate pastor, practitioner, coach, and disciple of Jesus. She has spent the past decade leading networks of micro churches, both alongside existing churches and in independent networks. She is passionate about engaging in God's Kingdom work personally and helping others to do the same, whether that's micro churches, church planting, or other Kingdom-focused enterprises. 

Hana Seddon
Rotorua Salvation Army Corps  

Hana Seddon is a Salvation Army officer, leading the church and social services in Rotorua and a proud mum of two adult sons. A social worker by trade, with a passion for education, social justice and public health leadership.Hana is currently studying theology with a focus on theologies from Indigenous perspectives. In between singing and storytelling, Hana is often found facilitating conversations around Tiriti-based leadership in faith communities. 

Alan Jamieson

Alan has 32 years experiencing pastoring in Aotearoa Baptist churches in a variety of contexts including church plants through to large multi-faceted churches and organisations. Alan was previously the pastor of South West Baptist in Ōtautahi. He is now the General Director or Arotahi, the Baptist Missionary Society -

Sam Harvey
24-7 Prayer Aotearoa   

Sam is the National Coordinator for 24-7 Prayer in New Zealand and is the lead pastor of Bay Vineyard Church in the Hawkes Bay. He is married to Jen, and they have three very active boys. He graduated from BCNZ (now Laidlaw) in 2003 and has been in full-time ministry ever since. Sam loves good food, good music and good waves! 

Scottie Reeve
Catch Network 

Scottie is an ordained Anglican Priest, pioneer, and social entrepreneur in Wellington. As the national director the Catch Network, Scottie has a passion for supporting small groups of people with a desire to renew the local church. Scottie is the author of 21 Elephants, co-host of the 21 Elephants Podcast, and contributes regularly to national print media with columns on faith. Currently, he is re-planting the Anglican Parish of Brooklyn alongside his wife Cilla. 

Amy Page-Whiting
The River Ōpāwaho

Amy is the senior pastor of The River Ōpāwaho in Ōtautahi Christchurch. She has been in church leadership for over 25 years, the past 10 of these have been bi-vocational with an emphasis on discipleship, mission, and entrepreneurial leadership. Amy also heads up Arrow Leadership NZ that specialises in practitioner-led, experiential training for church and for-purpose leaders.

Clint Ussher
The Well, Ōtautahi

Clint is an ordained minister of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of Aotearoa-New Zealand and has served as the  Lead Pastor of The Well Church (Christchurch) since its inception in 2012. Clint is married to Jamie and they have two daughters. Together, Clint & Jamie have served in ministry for 20 years. Previously, Clint lead the Laidlaw Centre for Church Leadership.

Diana Langdon
Strandz NZ

Diana Langdon heads up Strandz - the hub of Children + Families ministry in the Anglican Dioceses of New Zealand. Diana has over 20 years experience working out how families can go on mission together in a wide variety of ministry contexts.

Spanky Moore,
Whakatū Nelson  

Spanky oversees the equipping and encouraging of leaders who feel called to "gather the ungathered" in the Nelson Anglican Diocese. Spanky has been involved in edge ministries for years, from his time as a student radio DJ to creating a community of 60 unchurched young adults practising a rule of life together. 

Carolyn Robertson, Ōtautahi

Carolyn is the Vicar at All Saints, Burwood in Christchurch. She holds a PhD in Theology, a Masters in Sociology, and an undergraduate degree in Education. Over the past decade she has revitalised her local church to become a thriving hub or worship and community connection.

Archbishop Justin Duckworth

Archbishop of the Tikanga Pākeha strand of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, Justin and his wife Jenny live in intentional community in Whanganui. Justin has an extensive background in developing creative ways of being the Church in the 21st century, with a particular focus on those at the margins of society.